The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Albert Einstein
Doing things the Pineville Way!
Through discovery and play comes
growth and learning. Age appropriate activities foster cognitive and communicative growth. Pineville kids
have fun learning through play.
There are lots of friends to be made
at Pineville! We offer a supportive,
safe environment to learn and
practice sharing, respect, self-discipline and cooperation.
So much fun to have... so little time!
We aren't afraid to be spontaneous
and silly, either! Pineville offers an environment that nurtures curiosity, creativity and self-confidence.
Meeting Your Needs
Open Monday-Friday, 6:45am-6:00pm
We welcome children from 6 weeks of age through school-age
Year-round program with open enrollment
Full-time, part-time, daily and drop-in rates
Before and after school programs available
Summer Camp Program
Transportation available
We are located in Pineville, PA (Buckingham Township, Bucks County), convenient to Wrightstown, Doylestown, Newtown, Yardley, Solebury and New Hope with easy access to major routes.
phone: 215-598-8004
Check us out on Facebook at